Start a blog with Harp

I had up for a while with nothing on it. I decided to put up a blog and I'd write down things I google at work and TIL's. I was considering Pelican before stumbling upon Harp.js. I found Harp's installation process much easier and that converted me.

Installing Harp (make sure npm is installed)

sudo npm install -g harp

Initiate a harp project (using Boilerplate)

Yeah, you can use harp init by itself, but I wanted something up quickly. I also had my blog repo, so I cd'ed in there. I used the Simurai boilerplate.

For a full list of templates, see:

harp init --boilerplate kennethormandy/hb-simurai _harp

That imports all the boilerplate files into the _harp directory.

Compile & Serve

From my project directory:

harp compile _harp ./
harp server

I'm compiling the _harp directory and generating the static content into the root directory of my project. The generated website can be accessed on localhost:9000.

Push it live

git push origin master

And we're done.

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