Authentication with Vue Router

I've been working with Vue.js for a project for about a month now, and it's pretty fun! I was searching up how to handle authentication with vue-router and there weren't too many resources. I originally had a parent function that handled redirects upon ready(), but there are a few problems:

  1. Too many one-liners. I have to call the function each time in many views.
  2. You see a "flash" of the the dashboard before being redirected the the login page because ready() fires the redirect after part of the rendering is done.

So I knew I had to do it better.

Ryan Chenkie wrote a tutorial on authentication: Build an App with Vue.js: From Authentication to Calling an API. It helped me get started but I ended up doing things a bit differently. He uses vue-router's canActivate hook and injects it in his .vue file. I noticed in vue-router's documentation, there are custom fields which can be used for authentication. So I wanted to take advantage of beforeEach like the documentation does in its example.

Write an auth service

I had my login/logout functions in my .vue files originally, so the login code was in Login.vue and not accessible to my vue-router. It'd make sense to extract the authentication service out so it can be accessed by both the router and the Vue object. I prefer to keep my user object in my $root.


import {router} from '../app.js'

export default {

    // authentication status
    authenticated: false,

    // Send a request to the login URL and save the returned JWT
    login(context, creds, redirect) {
        context.$'/api/login', creds, (data) => {
            localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data))

            this.authenticated = true
            context.$root.user = data

            // Redirect to a specified route
            if (redirect) {

        }).error((errors) => {
            context.errors = errors;

    // To log out
    logout: function() {
        this.authenticated = false;

Use a custom field auth and check authentication using beforeEach

I add an auth: true to the root route of my application, so all my app routes are now "authed" :) When a nested route is matched, all custom fields will be merged on to the same $route object. When a sub route and a parent route has the same custom field, the sub route's value will overwrite the parent's.

A condensed version of my app.js - hopefully it provides an example of how your router, auth service, and root Vue object should interact.

export var router = new VueRouter();{
    '/': {
        component: require('./views/App.vue'),
        subRoutes: {
            '/': {
                component: require('./views/Dashboard.vue'),
                name: 'Dashboard'
            'settings': {
                component: require('./views/settings/Settings.vue'),
                name: 'Settings'
        auth: true
    'login': {
        component: require('./views/Login.vue')

// authentication service
import Auth from './services/auth.js';

router.beforeEach(function (transition) {
    if ( && !Auth.authenticated) {
        // if route requires auth and user isn't authenticated
    } else {

    data: function() {
        return { user: {} };
    computed: {
        auth: function() {
            return Auth;
    methods: {
        checkLocalStorage: function() {
            if (localStorage.user) {
                this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.user);
                Vue.http.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + this.user.api_token;
                Auth.authenticated = true;
        logout: function() {
            this.user = {};
    ready: function() {
}), '#app');
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